The chinese zodiac

What is your Chinese zodiac sign ? Find it out in the table below :


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Chinese astrology

The Chinese calendar is lunisolar, meaning that it is based both on the annual cycle of the sun for counting years, and on the cycle of the phases of the moon for counting months. Created in the year - 2697 of the Gregorian calendar by Emperor HUANG DI, it has twelve months and 354 or 355 days. A 13th month is added every two or three years. The Chinese people adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1912 but they continue to consult the Chinese calendar for the harvest or the determination of major personal and family events.

Each Chinese year is represented by an animal over a twelve-year cycle.

Legend has it that the Heavenly Emperor summoned all the animals of the earth in assembly before him. He told them that the first twelve to arrive would be representatives of a lunar year. First came the Rat (Shu), then the Ox (Niu), the Tiger (Hu), the Rabbit (Tu), the Dragon (Long), the Snake (She), the Horse (Ma), the Goat (Yang), the Monkey (Hou), the Rooster (Ji), the Dog (Gou), the Pig (Zhu).

The Chinese astrological system therefore includes 12 animal signs: It is the year of birth that indicates the sign to which one belongs. Since the astrological year begins on a different date each year, between January 21st and February 20th, on the first day of a new moon, the month of birth is therefore also important in determining the astrological sign.

To this are added the five elements which govern cosmic and human phenomena. The five elements are Wood (Mu), Fire (Huo), Earth (Tu), Metal (Jin), Water (Shui). The Chinese year of birth determines the element (for more information, consult the sites specialized on this very complex question).

The Chinese zodiac cycle renews itself every twelve years. The 20th century began with a year of the Rat, the 21st century with a year of the Dragon.


Rate sign

The Rat years :



Sign / Element

January 31, 1900

February 18, 1901

Metal Rat

February 18, 1912

February 5, 1913

Water Rat

February 5, 1924

January 24, 1925

Wood Rat

January 24, 1936

February 10, 1937

Fire Rat

February 10, 1948

January 28, 1949

Earth Rat

January 28, 1960

February 14, 1961

Metal Rat

February 15, 1972

February 2, 1973

Water Rat

February 2, 1984

February 19, 1985

Wood Rat

February 19, 1996

February 6,1997

Fire Rat

February 7, 2008

January 25, 2009

Earth Rat

January 25, 2020

February 11, 2021

Metal Rat

February 11, 2032

January 30, 2033

Water Rat

January 30, 2044

February 16, 2045

Wood Rat

February 15, 2056

February 3, 2057

Fire Rat

February 3, 2068

January 22, 2069

Earth Rat

Rats are very sociable, attractive, charming, but also very secretive. They are sentimental and passionate, but can be selfish and self-centered. They are generous to their loved ones, and their families will always benefit from their protection.

Rats, thanks to their instincts, their great intuition, and their keen sense of opportunism, make the right choices in life and have great abilities to save and accumulate wealth. But they can suddenly overspend to save again. They are ambitious and creative and are not made for chores. They need dynamism and action.

Rats are capable of great anger, but it doesn’t last. They can be manipulative when their interests are at stake and aggressive if they feel threatened.

Warm, sociable and mysterious beings at the same time, rats can appear as ambiguous characters. In Chinese astrology, they have the reputation of bringing good luck to those around them.


Ox sign

The Ox years :



Sign / Element

February 19, 1901

February 7, 1902

Metal Ox

February 6, 1913

January 25, 1914

Water Ox

January 25, 1925

February 12, 1926

Wood Ox

February 11, 1937

January 30, 1938

Fire Ox

January 29, 1949

February 16, 1950

Earth Ox

February 15, 1961

February 4, 1962

Metal Ox

February 3, 1973

January 22, 1974

Water Ox

February 20, 1985

February 8, 1986

Wood Ox

February 7, 1997

January 27, 1998

Fire Ox

January 26, 2009

February 13, 2010

Earth Ox

February 12, 2021

January 31, 2022

Metal Ox

January 31, 2033

February 18, 2034

Water Ox

February 17, 2045

February 5, 2046

Wood Ox

February 4, 2057

January 23,2058

Fire Ox

January 23, 2069

February 10, 2070

Earth Ox

Oxen are considered serious and enduring individuals, who think before acting and, once the course is chosen, do not change no matter what. Oxen can be stubborn and their persistence is extraordinary. They do not let themselves be swayed, are constant and stubborn. Very ambitious, they like to control everything and hate failure.

Oxen are hard workers and authoritarian rulers; they act and achieve. Economical, they do not incur unnecessary expenses. Despite sometimes abrupt manners, Oxen are generous, protective, and loyal in friendship. We can count on them in all circumstances. They need stability and a home that gives them the necessary balance. Oxen are wary of affectivity and passions; worldly conversations and gossip bored them.

Even-tempered, they are contemplatives who love solitude and prefer nature to the bustle of cities. Calm, independent and introverted, Oxen are the most patient sign in Chinese astrology.


Tiger sign

The Tiger years :



Sign / Element

February 8, 1902

January 28, 1903

Water Tiger

January 26, 1914

February 13, 1915

Wood Tiger

February 13, 1926

February 1, 1927

Fire Tiger

January 31, 1938

February 18, 1939

Earth Tiger

February 17, 1950

February 5, 1951

Metal Tiger

February 5, 1962

January 24, 1963

Water Tiger

January 23, 1974

February 10, 1975

Wood Tiger

February 9, 1986

January 28, 1987

Fire Tiger

January 28, 1998

February 15, 1999

Earth Tiger

February 14, 2010

February 2, 2011

Metal Tiger

February 1, 2022

January 21, 2023

Water Tiger

February 19, 2034

February 7, 2035

Wood Tiger

February 6, 2046

January 25, 2047

Fire Tiger

January 24, 2058

February 11, 2059

Earth Tiger

February 11, 2070

January 30, 2071

Metal Tiger

Tigers have great energy and are tireless. They like a challenge, take action, go for it and win. Unaware of the danger and liking for adventure, Tigers often take risks. They are competitors who have confidence in themselves. Passionate and emotional, Tigers run on instinct and leap before they think. Their stubbornness can sometimes hurt them.

Tigers are not interested in money, but they can make a fortune because they find solutions or ideas faster than others. They always get away with it, even when the going looks dire. Money, for them, is only used to maintain their independence and freedom.

Tigers are indomitable and hate to obey. They run away from limits and schedules. Stability bores them. Endowed with natural authority and great charisma, they know how to gain respect and are often admired. They are born leaders. Their character is generous, whole, frank but unpredictable.

In Chinese astrology, Tigers are equated with success, triumph.


Rabbit sign

The Rabbit years :



Sign / Element

January 29, 1903

February 15, 1904

Water Rabbit

February 14, 1915

February 2, 1916

Wood Rabbit

February 2, 1927

January 22, 1928

Fire Rabbit

February 19, 1939

February 7, 1940

Earth Rabbit

February 6, 1951

January 26, 1952

Metal Rabbit

January 25, 1963

February 12, 1964

Water Rabbit

February 11, 1975

January 30, 1976

Wood Rabbit

January 29, 1987

February 16, 1988

Fire Rabbit

February 16, 1999

February 4, 2000

Earth Rabbit

February 3, 2011

January 22, 2012

Metal Rabbit

January 22, 2023

February 9, 2024

Water Rabbit

February 8, 2035

January 27, 2036

Wood Rabbit

January 26, 2047

February 13, 2048

Fire Rabbit

February 12, 2059

February 1, 2060

Earth Rabbit

January 31, 2071

February 18, 2072

Metal Rabbit

Rabbits are calm and refined beings who yearn for tranquility. Diplomats, they hate power struggles, conflicts, agitation, and anything that can give them problems and disturb their comfort and their daily lives. Rabbits do not engage in adventures that could cause them to lose control of events. They don't like the unexpected and indulge in routine.

Faithful in friendship and trustworthy, listening to others, they remain secret and rarely open up. They are very conservative. They are not particularly family oriented but are attached to their home which brings them comfort and security. Very sociable, they like social events.

Rabbits are not looking to change the world, but rather to adapt to it in their best interests. They are not leaders. They save without seeking to enrich themselves, but can be very generous to others.

In Chinese astrology, Rabbit natives are known to have a great need for security, peace and harmony.


Dragon sign

The Dragon years :



Sign / Element

February 16, 1904

February 3, 1905

Wood Dragon

February 3, 1916

January 22, 1917

Fire Dragon

January 23, 1928

February 9, 1929

Earth Dragon

February 8, 1940

January 26, 1941

Gold Dragon

January 27, 1952

February 13, 1953

Water Dragon

February 13, 1964

February 1, 1965

Wood Dragon

January 31, 1976

February 17, 1977

Fire Dragon

February 17, 1988

February 5, 1989

Earth Dragon

February 5, 2000

January 23, 2001

Gold Dragon

January 23, 2012

February 9, 2013

Water Dragon

February 10, 2024

January 28, 2025

Wood Dragon

January 28, 2036

February 14, 2037

Fire Dragon

February 14, 2048

February 1, 2049

Earth Dragon

February 2, 2060

January 20, 2061

Gold Dragon

February 19, 2072

February 6, 2073

Water Dragon

Chinese people say that Dragons are born out of luck. Dragons have great energy, are courageous and love challenges that allow them to surpass themselves. Their goal is to achieve power and they are made to dominate. They are leaders and competitors.

Straightforward and forthright in their talk, Dragons are not diplomats and often look down on the opinions of others, so sure they know the truth. They have no sense of proportion and their taste for perfection is high. They are demanding of themselves and of others, but they bring sound advice to those around them and are very generous.

Endowed with great charisma, Dragons impress and fascinate. They like to be admired. Their impatience and impulsiveness, however, risk causing them to err in judgment. They usually get married quite late and some remain single.

Dragons are spendthrifts, but they do well enough to never be poor.

When it comes to a year of the Dragon associated with the element Metal, we speak of the Golden Dragon.

In Chinese astrology, Dragons are considered to be the most powerful sign of the zodiac.


Snake sign

The Snake years :



Sign / Element

February 4, 1905

January 24, 1906

Wood Snake

January 23, 1917

February 10, 1918

Fire Snake

February 10, 1929

January 29, 1930

Earth Snake

January 27, 1941

February 14, 1942

Metal Snake

February 14, 1953

February 2, 1954

Water Snake

February 2, 1965

January 20, 1966

Wood Snake

February 18, 1977

February 6, 1978

Fire Snake

February 6, 1989

January 26, 1990

Earth Snake

January 24, 2001

February 11, 2002

Metal Snake

February 10, 2013

January 30, 2014

Water Snake

January 29, 2025

February 16, 2026

Wood Snake

February 15, 2037

February 3, 2038

Fire Snake

February 2, 2049

January 22, 2050

Earth Snake

January 21, 2061

February 8, 2062

Metal Snake

February 7, 2073

January 26, 2074

Water Snake

Snakes give off a very strong magnetism. They are discreet, calm, cultured, intelligent and renowned for their wisdom. They are cerebral, not very attracted by physical activities. Particularly intuitive and lucid, they judge all situations in depth before taking action and are rarely mistaken about their interlocutors.

Lonely and wary of others, they prefer to work in the shadows, at their own pace. Snakes are good at business and negotiation. Their natural charm makes them irresistible and they are a bit manipulative. Very thrifty, they can fall into greed.

Snakes are possessive and tend to be invasive. They often have large families and are loyal in friendship. They have a sense of the word given, but beware of those who betray them! The revenge of a Snake is terrible.The sign of 

the Snake is considered as one of the most cautious signs of the Chinese zodiac.


Horse sign

The Horse years :



Sign / Element

January 25, 1906

February 12, 1907

Fire Horse

February 11, 1918

January 31, 1919

Earth Horse

January 30, 1930

February 16, 1931

Metal Horse

February 15, 1942

February 4, 1943

Water Horse

February 3, 1954

January 23, 1955

Wood Horse

January 21, 1966

February 8, 1967

Fire Horse

February 7, 1978

January 27, 1979

Earth Horse

January 27, 1990

February 14, 1991

Metal Horse

February 12, 2002

January 31, 2003

Water Horse

January 31, 2014

February 18, 2015

Wood Horse

February 17, 2026

February 5, 2027

Fire Horse

February 4, 2038

January 23, 2039

Earth Horse

January 23, 2050

February 10, 2051

Metal Horse

February 9, 2062

January 28, 2063

Water Horse

January 27, 2074

February 14, 2075

Wood Horse

Horses are lively, always on the move, sociable. They need to be surrounded and like to shine in society. Emotion prevails in them over reason. Possessing great adaptability but very independent, Horses can stand neither orders nor routine and they do not hesitate to give up what they have just undertaken. They are always in search of new activities, trips and adventures.

Horse natives don’t appreciate prolonged efforts and prefer to avoid difficulties. They are not leaders. On the other hand, they make very good negotiators.

Horses take a long time to establish a home due to their instability and fear of routine. They are not thrifty, but they always do well financially, their ability to easily find work being remarkable.

Horses are considered as the most hospitable animals in the Chinese zodiac.

The Years of the Fire Horse occur every 60 years (1906, 1966, 2026…). In those years, the characteristics of Horse natives are accentuated to excess, for both good and bad. According to popular belief, their lives are marked by exceptional events.


Goat sign

The Goat years :



Sign / Element

February 13, 1907

February 1, 1908

Fire Goat

February 1, 1919

February 19, 1920

Earth Goat

February 17, 1931

February 5, 1932

Metal Goat

February 5, 1943

January 24, 1944

Water Goat

January 24, 1955

February 11, 1956

Wood Goat

February 9, 1967

January 29, 1968

Fire Goat

January 28, 1979

February 15, 1980

Earth Goat

February 15, 1991

February 3, 1992

Metal Goat

February 1, 2003

January 21, 2004

Water Goat

February 19, 2015

February 7, 2016

Wood Goat

February 6, 2027

January 25, 2028

Fire Goat

January 24, 2039

February 11, 2040

Earth Goat

February 11, 2051

January 31, 2052

Metal Goat

January 29, 2063

February 16, 2064

Water Goat

February 15, 2075

February 4, 2076

Wood Goat

Goats are calm and reserved individuals who don't like noise or bustle. Routine and solitude suit them well. Goats, however, are sociable and always available to help others.

Very sensitive and poorly enduring reproaches and conflicts, Goat natives are constantly worried and pessimistic. They have a great need for security and like to be guided and reassured. They are sometimes even said to be invasive. They often let others decide for them and provide them with the security they seek. Capricious and unruly, lacking in practicality, Goats are heady and often have difficulty adapting in society.

The Goats are in fact artists, creatives. They live in a world of fantasy and aesthetics. Very manual, they are successful in the craft industry. Goats don't like jobs that expose them to too much responsibility. They are not leaders. They like teamwork which reassures them.

The sign of the Goat is the least ambitious in Chinese astrology but the most able to make powerful and protective allies.


Monkey sign

The Monkey years :



Sign / Element

February 2, 1908

January 21, 1909

Earth Monkey

February  20,1920

January 7, 1921

Metal Monkey

February 6, 1932

January 25, 1933

Water Monkey

January 25, 1944

February 12, 1945

Wood Monkey

February 12,1956

January 30, 1957

Fire Monkey

January 30, 1968

February 16, 1969

Earth Monkey

February 16, 1980

February 4,  1981

Metal Monkey

February 4, 1992

January 22, 1993

Water Monkey

January 22, 2004

February 8, 2005

Wood Monkey

February 8, 2016

January 27, 2017

Fire Monkey

January 26, 2028

February 12, 2029

Earth Monkey

February 12, 2040

January 31, 2041

Metal Monkey

February 1, 2052

February 18, 2053

Water Monkey

February 17, 2064

February 4, 2065

Wood Monkey

February 5, 2076

January 23, 2077

Fire Monkey

Monkeys dominate the other signs with their intellectual capacities, inventiveness, exceptional memory and quick wit. They can solve any problem with surprising speed, love to operate on a rush, and handle multiple activities at once. For this, Monkeys tend to believe themselves superior to others.

Great manipulators, the Monkeys do not bother with great morality. They don't hesitate to lie if it serves their cause. Excellent speakers, they know how to convince and get what they want.

Monkey natives can get bored very quickly if they spend too much time on the same task, or become discouraged if the task is too complex or too heavy. They jump from branch to branch and move from subject to subject. You should never impose anything on them. They do what they want and only fight when their best interests are at stake. Monkeys want to live in freedom and comfort, and to achieve this they do everything to enrich themselves.

Monkeys are sociable, diplomatic, but their interest in others is often interested. They like to be in the center and constantly wonder if they are loved or if they will please. Possessing a lot of humor, they love to laugh at everything and bring a lot of gaiety to society.

Monkeys sometimes have a hard time bending the rules and they will be more successful professionally by setting up their own business or project.

It’s the most gifted sign in the Chinese zodiac.


Rooster sign

The Rooster years :



Sign / Element

January 22, 1909

February 9, 1910

Earth Rooster

February 8, 1921

January 27, 1922

Metal Rooster

January 26, 1933

February 13, 1934

Water Rooster

February 13, 1945

February 1, 1946

Wood Rooster

January 31, 1957

February 17, 1958

Fire Rooster

February 17, 1969

February 5, 1970

Earth Rooster

February 5, 1981

January 24, 1982

Metal Rooster

January 23, 1993

February 9, 1994

Water Rooster

February 9, 2005

January 28, 2006

Wood Rooster

January 28, 2017

February 15, 2018

Fire Rooster

February 13, 2029

February 2, 2030

Earth Rooster

February 1, 2041

January 21, 2042

Metal Rooster

February 19, 2053

February 7, 2054

Water Rooster

February 5, 2065

January 25, 2066

Wood Rooster

January 24, 2077

February 11, 2078

Fire Rooster

Roosters do not go unnoticed. They do anything to get attention. They love social events and need an audience to listen to and admire them. But under superficial, conceited and eccentric appearances, roosters are very serious and very conservative. They very rarely give up and remain secret about their private life.

Roosters are incredibly honest and so frank that it can be hurtful. They are not stingy in advice and their great sensitivity pushes them to help others.

Although they are spendthrift, roosters keep their books very well. Combining family life and social gatherings, they are loving and very protective parents.

Roosters are meticulous and the slightest disturbance in their environment plunges them into great anxiety. However, roosters love novelty, and when faced with routine tasks, they find a way to accomplish them in new and original ways. Confident, intelligent and cultured, roosters are often on bad terms with established authority. But they are great workers.

Very inventive and always on the lookout for something new, roosters have a tendency to pursue dreams that cannot come to fruition. However, their strength of character in the face of failure always allows them to bounce back and they know how to fend for themselves in the face of adversity. Roosters are known to be very brave.

It is the most straightforward sign in Chinese astrology.


Dog sign

The Dog years :



Sign / Element

February 10, 1910

January 29, 1911

Metal Dog

January 28, 1922

February 15, 1923

Water Dog

February 14, 1934

February 3, 1935

Wood Dog

February 2, 1946

January 21, 1947

Fire Dog

February 18, 1958

February 7, 1959

Earth Dog

February 6, 1970

January 26, 1971

Metal Dog

January 25, 1982

February 12, 1983

Water Dog

February 10, 1994

January 30, 1995

Wood Dog

January 29, 2006

February 17, 2007

Fire Dog

February 16, 2018

February 4, 2019

Earth Dog

February 3, 2030

January 22, 2031

Metal Dog

January 22, 2042

February 9, 2043

Water Dog

February 8, 2054

January 27, 2055

Wood Dog

January 26, 2066

February 13, 2067

Fire Dog

February 12, 2078

February 1, 2079

Earth Dog

Dogs are loyal and honest. We can count on them. Very discreet and composed, they listen to others and inspire confidence.

Injustice revolts Dog natives who don’t hesitate to take risks and sacrifice themselves to come to the aid of those in need. Selfless and endowed with little personal ambition, they nonetheless possess a deep ideal mingled with a sense of duty, justice, righteousness and devotion to others.

Dogs are worried, always on the defensive. Great pessimists, serious and austere, they never rest. They are great workers. They are comfortable in trades serving others and represent valuable partners in teams.

Although sociable, Dogs do sometimes tend to isolate themselves due to their rigid and demanding character. They are stubborn, cynical, and can make nasty comments. They hate crowd gatherings and are not very good in society.

Dogs are thrifty and spend more easily on those they love than on themselves. They are responsible parents who are very attentive to the needs of their families. They are endowed with unfailing loyalty.

It is the most loyal sign in the Chinese zodiac.


Pig sign

The Pig years :



Sign / Element

January 30, 1911

February 17, 1912

Metal Pig

February 16, 1923

February 4, 1924

Water Pig

February 4, 1935

January 23, 1936

Wood Pig

January 22, 1947

February 9, 1948

Fire Pig

February 8, 1959

January 27, 1960

Earth Pig

January 27, 1971

February 14, 1972

Metal Pig

February 13, 1983

February 1, 1984

Water Pig

January 31, 1995

February 18, 1996

Wood Pig

February 18, 2007

February 6, 2008

Fire Pig

February 5, 2019

January 24, 2020

Earth Pig

January 23, 2031

February 10, 2032

Metal Pig

February 10, 2043

January 29, 2044

Water Pig

January 28, 2055

February 14, 2056

Wood Pig

February 14, 2067

February 2, 2068

Fire Pig

February 2, 2079

January 21, 2080

Earth Pig

Pigs are caring, generous and incapable of lying. They are said to be naive and defenseless, being easily fooled, but Pig natives are good players and forgive those who cheated on them. Frank and honest, they are helpless in the face of the bad faith of others and hate competition and low blows. The Pigs' entire character makes them incapable of concealment, and they cannot stand to be questioned of their honesty. And if they believe everything they are told, they spend their time proving what they are saying.

Particularly tenacious, Pigs always achieve their goal, even if it means deploying incredible energy. They are endowed with a great deal of inner strength and, in the face of adversity, they never panic. Pigs are good at being independent and don't need help making decisions.

Pigs are epicureans and intellectuals who have a great thirst for knowledge. They hate conflicts and quarrels and like to work in an atmosphere where everyone gets along. They are helped all their life because they attract generosity.

Pig natives are happy with their family and very careful that they do not miss anything.

In Chinese astrology, Pigs are equated with wealth and material ease.